Friday, March 09, 2007

Shopping slut (II)

As I said, I'm a shopping slut. Last week I went on an ebay spree to buy a few little things. A nice black thong and suspender set. Another pair of fishnets. Ohhhh and then another pair of fishnets with PVC holdups. They've slowly arrived this week and they are all yummy. Different in each of their ways, but lovely. The fishnet and thong and suspenders so pretty. The PVC holdups just SO slutty and tarty. Its the first time I've worn anything with PVC in and I admit, it feels lovely against the skin and looks amazing. MMMmmmmm big MMmmm and window shopping coming. I wasn't sure i'd like them, but I do.

I was tired then as I had worked over night, and my Owner and I had been talking and she said it would be a good idea if I went shopping properly. Its something I've thought of and shied away from, glanced over at that section when I've been in clothes shops and been too shy. But she said.... today, go do it. The white suspenders or red panties. So, I went to the store. Looked at stuff for me and for the boy. Picked out a t-shirt, some new socks, and wandered over to the lingerie section. I could feel my face burning, but I don't know if it really was. I just kind of micro-focused on looking to see what they had. I had a rough idea what size I was so wasnt sure so looked at a few things. I was doing ok til some women came over and looked, and then I think I went a little hot again. Then though, then a strange thing happened. I chose the first thing I liked, and I relaxed. I found a beautiful red pair of short panties and put those in my basket and then, once I had decided the size I just relaxed. I enjoyed looking and choosing and it felt good. It was odd, but nice. I think I crossed a bridge of it just being... something I like, so why stress too much. I even chatted a little with the shop assistant, with her broken english.

To think... was it a year and a bit ago I had to be even dragged onto so nervously. Kind of a bit of a change.

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