Friday, March 16, 2007

Ending weeks

Yaay the week is over.

We received our bonuses and payrise letters this week and I am pretty happy with both. It will pay for Colorado and Ohio anyway :). The best bit was a handwritten line from the Ops Director saying thanks for the oustanding contribution. That meant more than the money to me (but I am not saying no!!)

I spoke to the ex, told her about it and we talked about it. She said she didn't want any of it, but i know how much she is entitled to as part of the child support. In the end she said she would be really happy with 10% would be fine, which was cool as it what I was kind of hoping, and she appreciated it as it would help with the car insurance and a few other things that are coming up. I'm happy with that, I know I've done the honourable thing so I am happy with myself.

A good friend had a rough day yesterday, we talked about it last night and she decided what she needed to do. She told me today she called her boss and then sat with him, apologised for getting upset and talked it through. I am so proud of her and how far she's come. She said as she sat there, she just heard my voice in her head telling her to be calm, deal with it, just apologise and move on. That really made me feel good, that I had had such a positive effect.


and since the bonus came through, tonight I registered for Thunder in the Mountains, so I am definitely definitely definitely going :)

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