Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Jealous for once

It's not really like me to be jealous. I tend to get a lot of pleasure out of people being happy.

With my ex-to-be, over the last 18months since we split, I've been happy for all the good things that meant she's started a new life.

I knew it was the right thing when we sold the old house and bought her a new one, as it gave her and the boy a fresh start and security.

I knew it was right that she had main custody of the boy, and it makes it so precious when I see him at weekends, even though I really miss him mid-week.

I was happy for her when she started dating, even though it was only three months after we split. She has her needs.

I was happy she was financially secure, its meant she has had to stand on her own two feet.

I don't even mind that I'm the one that has to drive the 45 miles there and then back on a Saturday to get the boy, and the same on Sunday to take him back.

Its funny. Its silly. Just one thing though and I find I am jealous. They are getting a pet, a cat, a cat from a rescue centre. I really want a dog, to take for walks and curl up and stroke on the couch in the evenings... but I can't. My working hours are too eratic and I am out of the house far too long in the day. It would be cruel.

So I am jealous, jealous she has the two things I want most. The boy and a pet. Its so silly isn't it?

The boy is so excited though, so I'll be excited for him.

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