Monday, August 21, 2006

Sad reality snippet...

Now the trauma of it is over I can finally come out. Apart from wanting Imogen to win BB7 and being heart broken she had been evicted (but GOD did she look good in the final when she walked on. Why didn't they devote the whole programme to her?). Well, I wanted Glynn to win. The welsh boy. I liked Pete, glad the final was those two, but still wanted Glynn. Not sure why. Maybe its because everyone else wanted Pete. I'm like that sometimes. I just really hope Nikki doesn't screw up Pete now. That would just be such a shame. I disike her with a passion, though I pity more than anything.

Of course I have to disclaim and say I only watch BB so there is something to talk about over coffee and with the ex and as the boy insisted. Why else would we watch it.

Just thank god X Factor started the next day or I'd be wondering what to do with my life...

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