Monday, August 21, 2006


After my blog attack yesterday what would you think of me?

I don't just have kinky sexual fantasies,
I don't just bitch about work,
I don't just get introspective,
I don't just go on holiday.
I don't just order weird toys.

Well ok thats actually a fairly large summary of my life *wink*, but I do other stuff.

I went to the store and got 4 pints of milk,
I had a few showers,
I slept, even if kicked the hell out of,
I changed the bed and did my laundry,
I chatted on the phone,
Boy and I played with his new remote control car on the driveway and made friends with the grandkids from next door (way cool btw).

All sorts of other stuff that I didn't feel the need to write up on a page no ones ever going to read. So why? Why one and not the other.

Well. Buying the milk doesn't keep my mind too racing with thoughts to settle and sleep properly (though I admit it was a bit of a close run thing back when I was newly single and had to make the whole full fat vs semi-skimmed decision, that was a bad couple of weeks). The laundry doesn't come in the little discussions in my head while I'm out walking.

These other things do though, and its nice to make some space for some new ones. So here they've started to seep out. I made a big hole yesterday. Wonder what will fill it.

Ohhhh and remind me? Need 4 pints on the way home. Boy and I managed to get through the last one over the weekend. Thanks.

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