Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Oh my.

Some things seem to work themselves out don't they? I don't know if you've ever noticed the same yourself, but through my life it's seemed situations have arisen requiring a decision or a willingness to do things which might not feel easy... but then as soon as that choice is made, an easier path opens up.

Sometimes it almost feels at times like a test.

Well. I think that easier path has opened up yet again. Having come to the conclusion in the back of my mind that I shouldn't make excuses for Sat, and that doing something for me would be a good thing and not something to feel guilty over - discussions then started on the mailing list about a mini-mid-week-meet too as the whole weekends being bad is not an uncommon situation. I have to admit that sounds perfect, having my time with the boy, still getting my ass out and meeting some people, meeting a smaller group for the first time which wouldn't be easier. It just ticks so many boxes I just sent off a reply straight away with a big "yes please".

Happy puppy. Happy to have got to the conclusions I did and even happier that maybe I can get the best of everything. Happy that things are so well with my ex that she even volunteers to be flexible about the weekends, its these things that let you know you've really managed to stay friends.

Too cool.

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