Well, made it through the day though it was a struggle at times to keep concentrating. I woke up at 2am with my sinuses hurting and that was basically it for the night. Fortunately some wonderful people are up at my silly times of the night thank heavens for once for timezones and my love of Americans. I was sent to work this morning smiling and happy and relaxed and tried to take that spirit into the day despite being so tired.
I tried to take that new found determination into the day, despite the whole off-balance feeling and tried to take the bull by the horns in one situation thats been bothering me about the house. I've made my point clearly now, what happens next is out my hands.
So feeling more than slightly tired, definitely snotty and bunged up I attended the first day of this 3 day course. DTrace, a dynamic tracing tool for Solaris. I have to say its an amazingly cool tool and the possibilities are endless, it will really change how we do some things when we finally get Solaris 10 rolled out. For once we will really know what the machines are doing. Maybe it insulated my mind from it being so tired! It was a struggle after the lovely lunch though. The first time i've had meatloaf! God knows how much has gone into my fuzzy head though.
Tonight has been a challenge. I'm staying at the ex's and the boy has been understandably unsettled. I know he finds it hard how to handle this and just gets grousy and then won't settle and won't go to bed. Poor little bugger. His mum takes it personally though and gets uptight and upset. I am wondering if agreeing to stay was a good move or not, but I know I wouldn't have wanted to face that drive in the dark feeling like this. We will get by.

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