I started off by wandering through the arcade in Bournemouth to window shop in two of my favourite stores there. One is called "Down Under Lingerie" which apart from the normal male/female underwear also proudly displays all sorts of corsets and other items (think costumes, long sleeve gloves, etc) in the normal materials as well as PVC, etc. They have utterly beautiful window displays from the elegant to the downright erotic and kinky. *purrrr*
Just by them is another beautiful shop, Dazzle specialising in that lovely mix of goth/victorian/hippy/whatever you want to call it wear. Just beautiful. I did finally drag myself away from drooling over the displays and head out into the sun.
I felt good as I walked down the hill to the sea. When the first hint of the sea salt hit me I felt wonderful. Looking out into the ocean, the wind hitting my face, the sheer power of the sea as it swept against the beach (it was quite windy) the warmth of the sun despite the winter air. How can you not just feel how insignificant your problems are when faced with that? How can anything seem to matter when you just stand and stare and it seems to go on forever. The sea was there, doing that yesterday... a year ago... a hundred years ago. Way before I was born. It will be there a hundred years after I've gone. Its awe inspiring. How can we ever feel alone when nature is there, providing that constant, providing that beauty, providing that terrible power.
I walked along the sea front to Bournemouth, passing all the people who were walking - families, dog walkers, children, couples. It felt good knowing the same thing had drawn us all there. It felt so good to be in a place I really belonged. I've missed being outside so much, the long walks where you just enjoy being. It really is where I belong. Considering I can't swim and don't like deep water... I love water. Lakes. Rivers. Waterfalls. The sea. Ever changing, ever flowing, yet always there.
Being outside, in the open.. in the sun, with the wind in my face, it puts things in a good place and blew away many of the cobwebs that had been settling there. By time I reached Bournemouth I was happy. That quiet bubbly happy that puts a smile on your face and makes you look around in wonderment at the world around you and give a smile at all those hassled busy shoppers. It even put me in the mood for Christmas shopping :).
I really enjoyed the Christmas shopping. I think I must have spent over 2 hrs there. I found a couple of presents that were listed as sold out online in the first shop I went into (Past Times) which was SO awesome. I'd known exactly what I wanted to get these people and it would have been a shame to have to change... so finding it in a real store was perfect! Saved me postage too! From then it just got better. OK so I spent a fortune but I did it happily. Down to two presents left to get now. Each of these things was for a reason, for these friends who mean so much to me, none of the presents were out of obligation or because I had to find something. I stopped for a Starbucks at Borders to celebrate and made the walk home.
The walk home was as beautiful. Night was falling and it had a majesticness of its own. So different than the dark of trudging home from work. This was again nature showing her colours. Flaunting them and daring me not to be bedazzled by her beauty. I admit it. I'm in love and hope I never forget it.
I phoned Dad and he came to pick me up in Boscome. The whole family came out to get me and hearing the boy's excited "what did you get, what did you get" just finished it off.
I can't believe I've nearly finished my Christmas shopping now! Especially with the dog things this morning. I won't even deny wistfully looking at the collars and leashes in the pet store.
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