So the long weekend is over. Bank holiday over here so no time to sit down and write til now.
Friday I was still fairly wound up from the way Thursday ended. Well ok totally wound up. Fortunately the person in question was off and it was so very quiet I could just sit and stew for the day and get on with some useful work. Always nice to keep your head down and just get on in these circumstances. I was tired by the evening, feeling unsociable and wanted it out my system before the boy so ended up going to bed by 8pm so sulk it out. Sometimes its nice to just curl up in the bed, and wallllllow in being generally pissed off with the world at large. Worked wonders anyway as Sat morning found me rested and a lot cheerier to go get the boy.
I wanted to make this a special weekend as I missed him so much and I knew time with him was what I needed. So, first went to the air sciences museum near where his mum lives. He had been asking to go for ages. It was a lovely little place, run by volunteers - just the best kind of museum. Guys who had worked in the industry all their lives and wanted to share a little of it. This gentleman saw us come in and instantly whisked the boy off into a cockpit to sit in a flight simulator they had and he was off trying to chase down enemies in his spitfire. It was only a little place, free to get in and we had a lovely time. Sometimes the simple things are the best. The boy recognised some of the models on display as he'd seen the real size ones elsewhere. I love the way his mind works, it just clicks and he comes out with all the stuff he remembers. His memory is scary sometimes. He takes such an amazing interest in things though.
We picked up some little mini-models to make up, so very cheap we gave the change as a donation. It really doesn't have to be an expensive day out. We went for pizza, came home, made up his little mini models and played with them. The boy had got upset in the week, overheard his mum talking to friends about if she'd ever remarry. So we sat down and chatted about it. He can carry such a conversation, not even 8 yet if you sit down and explain things he will understand. He asked about the future, I explained how the divorce would work... he said all he wanted was mummy to keep the same name and for things to keep the same after. I am so proud of him. We talked longer term, I told him how I'd love to live in Scotland someday, that that was my dream. He liked this idea, we talked about how it could work and just how he could come see me for longer holidays, how we'd sort out him learning how to get through the airport and stuff. Simple practical things. I you explain things, sort out the things that DO worry him (such as how he'd get there!) and make it sound positive and exciting he reacts so well to things. That is one hell of a well-adjusted kid considering how his parents were together. I am so proud.
Sunday we played, he helped me clean the car out so his mum could borrow it and then we met up with her to go see the Pixar movie Cars. Wow. Can I just say that is a fantastic film? If you havent seen it, go see it! They so know how to make movies that work! Not just animations but real soul. We both loved it so much. He of course asked to see it again as soon as we can. We will see. It was hard to say goodbye to him, but it was a great weekend and leaving him was with a smile and a much lighter heart. I am so glad I took the whole weekend with him rather than went out. It was definitely the right thing to do this weekend.
The rest of the weekend was lazy. Gardening mostly, so nice to have it done. There is something else to write about but for now I need to get to bed and this night suddenly doesn't feel the right time to talk about it. I knew something wasn't going to be easy and I was right. Oh well, time heals all.

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