This was a fantasy which I gave to someone as a bedtime story, and now share on at her request. Please excuse the weirdness in tenses as I was describing it to her and wanted to post it unaltered.
It was just the two of us, we were sitting just chatting as we do before you suddenly decide you want to play. You gave me that look, the one that reminds me that you can just change the tone at a whim, that little change in your voice as you become more focused and more concentrated... sounding firmer.
I love that moment... the way my mind just reacts in shock, my body tenses and the flood of warmth it provokes, its like saying "mine" without the word, saying it with your whole demeanour instead. Not needing a word, but you just acting from the confidence of knowing its true.
You told me to stand up, to undress slowly, as you wanted to watch, you know that i love to be watched and yet still am shy and thats a kind of hot flush in itself. I undressed slowly, little shivers as you didnt say anything just watched and smiled, knowing that i didnt know what was going on, that you might just smile and tell me to get dressed or anything. Standing there naked before you, how that seems to strip the bravado... the smartassness, somehow naked inside as well as outside, standing, hands behind my back, for some reason that position comes naturally even if you dont ask it as you smiled.
You walked up to me and ran your hands down my chest, then up my back, making me shiver, then sigh as it changed to your nails, to a little nip at the neck, just watching my reaction as my body responded, at the little noises. A whisper in my ear that this was going to be a special moment.
You had that slightly hungry look in your eye that said you didnt want to be cuddled or adored but you had that... hunger to eat my reactions. A quiet word, a whisper in my ear, to lie down... which i did, shivering and not just from the cold. Then you undressed. Just in front of me, knowing i couldnt keep my eyes off you but that i have this weird thing about it... its like having you on such a pedestal that i am almost scared to lust... and that twisting inside me as your eyes didnt leave mine,on one side wanting to revere you, on the other side wanting to worship your body... making me squirm as the two sides fought inside me.
You did it so deliberately slowly, knowing that each time you moved it forced a little moan from me as you could see my reaction, a flush in my cheeks as i knew i couldnt hide my responses, growing warmer at you smiles, a little gentle laugh at the discomfort. Finally sitting down close beside me, that little half mocking smile as your hip touched against mine with a soft voice "there, its not so bad is it"
Such a very you comment...
A soft touch against my chest, trailing nails over my nipples as i squirmed and arched gasping.. your fingers moving to my lips at that opportunity and pressing in, letting my lick and suck at them as you just smiled down. Taking my arms, pushing them above my head and making me grasp my wrists together... a soft purr in my ear that you wanted to see if i could be good and so you wouldnt bind them... yet, eliciting more soft shudders. You moved to sit astride my chest, making me blush more at that internal struggle as i just had to look up at you, shaking, feeling your thighs so close to my nipples... your fingers stroking against my tongue, roaming over my squirming chest, the nipples burning... feeling like they were directly connected to my cock and balls from the way it made them twitch with each touch.
I groaned as your eyes devoured mine... then your hand moving to yourself, drawing my eye there... a loud moan from me... and slowly you slid upwards, not quite touching, almost... so close as i writhed trying not to push upto you.. your fingers still in my mouth. You come close, parting my jaw, whispering "open" as i look up in shock, again that little laugh at my discomfort and lack of understanding, seeing what i hope but what you so do not plan to give, that confusion in my eyes, you hand moving to my forehead, stroking my hair and holding my head back. A whisper as i try to lean forward and you hold me down "no my pet... drink" the wide languid smile on your face as confusion turns to shock and my eyes open wide as i realise what you meant with a little "oh my god" then trying to open my mouth again as i shook.
Watching the way you leaned your body back, arching a little as you tried to relax, your tummy muscles tensing then relaxing, fingers in my hair, directing my head, looking down in my face as you let out a drawn out "yessssssssssssss"... the feel of the sudden stream of warmth against my face and mouth, filling my mouth, desperately trying to swallow as my body shook overwhelmed with desire, shock, wanting it and yet not knowing how i could want this, but overwhelmed by the fact you wanted it. Trying to swallow as you filled my mouth, trying to not choke at the taste, at the constant stream without let up, the look in your eyes as you watched, splashing down my face... yet desperately wanting to swallow every last drop because of you.
Spluttering, yet the shock of it being replaced by that feeling of warmth and peace and desire to just please you, that becoming the only thing that mattered as i gagged and drank down... the warmth and acrid taste now just a sign of what you were giving me, not wanting to lose a single part of this god so amazing thing you were giving me the sigh from you as you slowed and finished, your hand stroking my hair as i panted, trying to get my breath back, coughing a little from swallowing a little when i was trying to breathe, licking my lips as i could feel my chin and cheeks and neck wet from where it had run.
You smiled down at me whispering softly as you stroked "my pet, clean me" again always that soft smile of yours... now not thinking, my original lust at feeling you so close totally replaced with that obedience that came not from trying to do what you said but from the sheer fact there was nothing else in the world apart from obeying your words. Licking you carefully, gently, tenderly, totally non-sexually, not even thinking of that anymore. Totally dedicated on bathing you and cleaning you, smothering you there with tiny kisses and licks then finally you smiling, leaning down to kiss me on the lips gently... showing me there was no need to be ashamed, that you would kiss me even now, that i was adored.... then pulling me up quietly on my lap as you gentle cuddled, stroking my cheeks and chin with a babywipe as you held me.

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good boy :)
delightful man
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