I had a phrase thrown my way and it provoked two quite different sets of thoughts. This is the first. I am not overly happy with how it came out, but it shows the thoughts. It became disjointed by stop/starting/restarting over a few days, but I will never finish it if I correct the change in tenses... So... if my old english teacher reads this, first, what are you doing here??? Second, yes, I still can't keep in the same tense when I write...
It was quiet. You had led me to your room, sat me down on the bed and left me there for a little to think while you went off and did whatever it was you did. Left me to think, left me to come up with my own idea's in my mind as your words wormed and ferreted their way through my subconscious. You always do that. That little comment set off, blown with a kiss in my direction, then watching with amusement as it finds its home, opening doors, rearranging things, causing maximum devastation if you just give it time. You know me so well, these little triggers, the little buttons which even I don't know are there. Your words open the way for you, confirming your claim, taking these sweet agonies to be unlocked only by your soft voice. The battle already won by the time you come to take your prize.
It had seemed simple enough, almost playful. Over coffee (isn't everything important always over coffee?) you had come up behind me, wrapped arms around my waist from behind in a squeeze. Hands moving up, one to cover my eyes other finding my slim wrists and squeezing them together. Holding them lightly pressed between your thumb and fingers. It had never occurred to me before just quite how advantageous it was to be so skinny, but it made it easy. Of course such a light grip so barely felt, wouldn't really stop you breaking free if you tried - but there could be no desire to, this merely the symbol of a deeper restraint already imposed somewhere within. The passive, peaceful feeling that slipped through me.
I'd straightened, setting my shoulders back, breath slowing, waiting for what I knew would come. I still shivered when your lips pressed warmly on my shoulder, then crawled lazily up my neck. Expecting it never takes away that little shock of how it feels. The warmth of your breath against my skin sending those cold chills down my spine, drawing out the involuntary moan despite my willing acceptance. A little ritual playing itself through. Finally, the soft purrr in my ear, somehow intensified a hundred-fold as my senses stretched to compensate for the loss of vision. That little purr of both satisfaction and also anticipation. That purrr which turned into a quiet whisper, one I'd have struggled to follow if I hadn't been straining to hear. "I've kidnapped you pet".
I'd heard the laugh in your voice at my gasp, the smile left there as the reality of my situation settled in. So silly really. Standing there in the kitchen with the last of the coffee's cooling in their mugs, your barest light touch. So very little changed, yet everything changed. Probably the gentlest kidnap in history. Playful? Yes. Resistible? Never. There is a hint of steel beneath that soft velvet touch. There is no doubt about that.
So there I was. Sitting on your bed. Waiting. Thinking. Wondering what was in your mind. I hadn't moved from the position you'd left me in. Undressed now. Eyes closed. Hands folded on my lap. It was quiet, too quiet. Minutes stretched. Crawled past. My skin beginning to crawl, becoming jumpy at even an imagined sound. I'd felt my body slowly start to fill with tension. That initial euphoria being replaced with an edginess, a discomfort. Shivering openly but not from the cold.
Finally. Finally... the tell tale pad of your feet across the floor. I'd been flooded by a huge feeling of relief washing through me at your approach, suddenly not caring about what would happen next, just not wanting that wretched feeling of abandonment that had been growing. I'd wondered suddenly if this is how kidnapee's did feel, becoming so attached to their captor that they couldn't manage without them. I always want you close - but this was different, a desperate need. Everything felt topsy-turvy, I was subdued, confused, uneasy. Feeling you come close didn't inspire that normal overwhelming adoration, that intense desire to please, but instead a nervy discomfort. Your hands wrapped around my neck, fastened something there, let it settle. The heaviness of a collar tight against me. I'd normally love this, the comfort, the pride in wearing it for you, but now it was something different. Captivity. Such a strange feeling after having been used to being a treasured pet. Suddenly I felt like a stray picked up from the side of the road.
My shudder, a little fearful, hoping not to hear any harshness in your voice. Feeling a little prick in the corner of my eyes at even the thought. I was not going to be any trouble tonight. No harsh words though, in fact no words at all, just hands guiding me, turning me, lifting my ass into the air. Then the cold shock of lube being rubbed between my cheeks. Careful, thorough but somehow clinical. This was replaced with a hardness as something was pressed there, making me clench in surprise and then forcing myself to relax, feeling it fill me as it pushed past my ring. A bigger gasp forced from my lips at this, an automatic hardening from my cock, balls swelling, the reactions unbidden, alien to the situation I'd found myself in.
It was humiliating, so not how I was used to being treated, yet still my body responded the same way. I was moaning then, face burning, that same gentle pressure you kept applying as I opened for you. My back arching at the sensations shooting from my ass up through my body. Such a delightful familiar warmth, mixing with the coldness inside from my captivity, making me squirm more wanting to give into the delicious feeling and yet trying not to shake. With a sigh from behind me you'd pushed it home, leaving a soft unexpected caress down my leg. I knew it wasn't your hands, I could still feel them on my cheeks. It didn't move until I gave an involuntarily twitch and felt the tickle against my thighs. My tail. You'd given me my beautiful tail. Another twitch, this time deliberate and again I felt it move, hanging now between my legs. This drew a soft laugh from you, an even softer hand moving between my legs to grasp my cock... slowly stroke my shaft. I'd purrrrrr'ed in pure pleasure, wiggling for you, starting to give into the sheer pleasure of your hand working your pet, my body moving back and forth to languidly fuck your hand.
Then... gone. Just stopped, hand on my collar, clasping it, turning it, the click of the leash and then the tug. Almost opening my eyes in shock as I'd been firmly pulled off the bed and across the room. The confusion back in my mind at the so sudden change, reminding me of my new position.
There had been a click as a door was opened. My mind raced trying to remember the layout of your bedroom. The bathroom? A closet? I didn't have time to work it out, the quiet voice in my ear commanding me to open my eyes. Blinking in the light after all the time with my eyes squeezed closed, trying to work out what it was I was supposed to be looking at. The closet, yes, but there on the floor, a cage? I had twisted to look at you and finding your eyes, looking shocked at the quiet nod, the little tug on the leash that pulled me downwards. What could I do but whimper keeping my eyes locked on yours as I crouched to avoid the collar digging into my neck. All I got in return was a little push on my ass, pressing the tail and plug in, forcing me to yelp and scurry crouched into the opened doors of the cage. Barely enough time before it swung shut patting my ass, clicking as it locked shut.
The cage had been quite large, or I'm quite small. Both were possibles I guess. Tall enough for me to get up on hands and knees but any higher and my back hit the top. Wide and long enough for me to turn round, but not much more. I'd turned round slowly, trying to find anyway to be comfortable, settling in the end for curling up on my side, knees tucked up a little under my chest, arms similarly placed before me, just about enough to stretch my back out. You'd given me a little smile and a "good little stolen puppy" giving me some strange comfort before turning your back, closing the door almost shut behind you.
I had curled up there, trying to to get used to my situation. The last hints of my arousal seeping away but still that feeling of fullness inside as my tail trailed down my leg. Trying to push away the horrible feelings of being caged and left there. Lying uncomfortable, listening, trying not to sniffle or whimper, to pick up the shuffling noises from out in the bedroom. Beyond caring what was going to happen now, as I knew I would come to hate this cage around me, the bars which kept me from her. There was a feeling of helplessness but strangely no longer of abandonment. I was there for a reason, because she chose me to be there, but it didn't mean I liked it. I had tried to calm myself, breath deeper, reaching behind myself to take my tail and and stroke the fur with my fingertips, over and over. A strangely comforting action, bringing me back to my senses, taking away the edge of claustrophobia that had been creeping into the back of my mind.
Alert, quietened, resigned to my position. The noises from next door muffled. I stretched my hearing as I tried to make sense of what I could hear. Murmurs of contentment, little sighs? A gasp? I went rigid in my cage, stretching out and pushing with my limbs against the confines as my body tensed. Definite little gasps of... pleasure. Yes, that was it. A moan of arousal. Her voice. Her sounds. Soft, delicious murmurs. It seemed clearer now, or maybe I was just more focused. Her breath catching before that little sigh escaped her, the long drawn out mmmmmmmmm's which always drove me so nuts, the languid indulgent sound of it filling my mind. The hint of a sound of wetness, all coming together in another totally unexpected response of arousal and frustration. My imagination playing wild at the sounds, so close yet unreachable. You know how if you become aroused and it slips away, how hard it hits you a second time? This was that magnified a thousand fold. Was that the sound of a louder grunt from someone else I heard? Was she alone or with someone? My mind reeling as again my feelings were spun in a vicious u-turn from before, forced once more into desire, lust, wanting what was was not mine. I rocked against the floor, whimpering with each new sound, lost in the whirlwind of lust now so overpowering after the repeated drastic changes in emotion since I was stolen away. My body on fire, cock swollen and hard, desperate to be touched, stroked, teased as she so obviously was. Unable to think of anything but her imagined partner.. or was it just herself? I couldn't know and my mind just flipped from one thought to another as I arched within the cage, not feeling how the bars pressed against my flesh. Unable to touch myself even then as I did not have that permission... Panting and whimpering as her moans reached a heightened crescendo then descended into soft cries... disappearing into silence only broken by a soft drawn out whine that I finally identified as coming from lips. Sobbing quietly, my mind returned from the animal state it had fallen into, leaving me a confused shivering mess within the cage.
I think I fell asleep - the next thing I remembered was the creep of the door opening and peering up at you, ouching at the crick in my neck and then ouching more as my head bounced off the top of the cage I forgot was there. Blinking slowly, finally noticing the almost indecently satiated look on your face. You smiled down at me, a big wide smile this time and a bouncy "hello my pet, time to get you back where you should be". The cage was quickly unlocked, a helping hand to get me to my feet, supporting me as I wobbled from the stiffness in my legs. Gently, tenderly your hand moving to my ass to free the tail, laying it aside atop the cage. You kissed my forehead, still smiling and a huge hug. I melted in your arms, purrring quietly, feeling more completely yours than ever, knowing I'd never take my treasured position for granted again.

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