Monday, June 25, 2007


I hate making decisions, especially if they are decisions that are going to stick with me sometime. I guess its my risk aversion at work. This stands me well in my job in IT, as I tend to think through the consequences of changes rather than rushing in.

In real life though this is generally a bad thing and I can get into an indecisive loop of feeling paralysed and overwhelmed. Fortunately the medication has helped a LOT in this and reducing the anxiety so I can actually make a choice. I am still not great at it, but it does mean its more down to me and not just my head trying to spin round as if I was doing a remake of the Exorcist.

As I have rambled before, my car is getting a little... decrepit for the amount of driving I am doing now, and I think its time to get a new one. After surfing the web for far too long trying to make my mind up from the mixed reviews I have a clear winner. The Honda Jazz (Fit for Americans) just ticks all the boxes. Its cute. It's pretty. It has lots of interesting buttons and dials inside and neat lit up displays. Ummm I am sure I should think of mechanical things too... It's relatively small. It's efficient. It's low emission. It's pretty. It's supposed to be reliable. It as a good amount of space and very flexible seats that fold down in all sorts of interesting ways to make it good for carrying stuff around (and sex I've decided, that magic seating system is purely designed so someone can have sex comfortably). It's pretty. It just really does seem like its the car for what I need. OK so its a but more than I wanted to spend but... I have more people I want to visit now who are all some distance away, soooooo its a worthwhile investment. I popped into the local Honda Dealer Sunday and had a fiddle with one and it was nice. Couldn't take it for a test drive though as there were only two sales advisor's and they were both busy with people interested in more expensive cars...

So I need to go for a test drive, then make my mind up finally. I've seen a really good price on two 2006 ones in South Wales that if I like how they drive and they are still available would be a no brainer to take a day off work for a trip to go see them. So I just have to cross my fingers and hope they don't go. At least I know now what I want, which is good... as I really dislike dealing with sales people, they are so pushy. If I go knowing what I want I deal with it a lot better.

In typical awkward fashion though, the brakes on my car have started grinding so I have to drop my car in the garage tonight. I've asked them to do the minimum to keep it going for a few thousand miles just so I can get it replaced, as I really do not want to spend a lot of money on it now.

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