Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cast of thousands...

Lots of people have nice acronyms or labels for people in their lives for their blogs and go "last week L said...." or "and then we met up with T & V for coffee". I've decided I am insanely jealous of this (and possibly also very lazy) so I need to start doing this.

So, as all life is a stage, without further ado I introduce you to some of the main characters in our little drama.

HY (Hey You) - Also known as SR, all round smart, lovely, cute and gorgeous Lady. Former Owner. Apparently answers to Hey You for some reason. Who am I to argue??

MT (My Tracy) - Cuzisaid. Fluff Lover. Kinkster. Cutie-pie. Darling. Sweetheart. Far too thoughtful for any planet around here but I am not going to argue with it. Shhhhhh no one tell her everyone else isn't like that. Expert stalker.

PPF (princess petal flower) - Remember that scene in Return of the Jedi with princess leia in chains and not much else? petal was born to play that role...

LLG (Land Lady Gal) - Her who must be obeyed. Well paid every month anyway. Failing that run off to Amsterdam with her.

YB (You Bitch) - Scottish tart (she puts the tart in tartan) proud mother of our little girl poppy. Yes ok, so poppy is a beagle, but I am a pup... so what did you expect our offspring to be? Called You Bitch as it's what she seems to say to me most when we are on the phone...

TYP (Take your pill!) - Wicked delicious fellow conspirator who is MUCH more wicked than me. Honest. Really. Really really. Just remember babe, take your pill!

PS (pup scritcher) - MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm she's Dreamy and she likes to scritch.

RG (Rav's girl) - Rav's girl, my dear super smart friend Cat... congratulations on a year with your Master honey.

WYB (Where's Your Bum) - Ms Silvie, bum reporter extraordinaire.

SBS (Smart But Sexy) - Ms Jolie. How can anyone be THAT smart but still remain so sexy and human?

ETB (Ex-to-be) - Nuff said!

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