Thursday, April 26, 2007

How to totally wreck your sleep habits...

Is this what writer's block feels like?  I've got stuff I want to write about but it just kind of goes all ishy when I even think about writing it down.

I want to write about the anti-depressants, what has been going on in my head, work, things I've discovered about my family, the Amsterdam trip, friends, the future, the adjustment to things with my former Owner, my feelings, so many things but it just doesn't seem to come.  Hmmm this is odd for me, and I do want to write.  I enjoy it.  I'm not even really reading blogs at the moment except one or two of my closest friends.

So start somewhere, and see what comes out.  I'm getting really tired again and feeling pretty much worn out a lot of the time.  Add to that dizziness and light-headedness and I am about as much use as an ummm manager :).  I am going to talk to the Doc's about it again when I go back for my 6 week checkup.  It might be tiredness making me fuzzy, it might be hay-fever, it might be the meds.  lol, i could probably make a quicker list of what it might not be!!

Last night I got home from work about 6, had a bite of fruit, some cheese and by 7pm was shattered so went for a little nap.  I had intended to do some writing, catch up but... not to be.  The little nap ended up with me waking at midnight.  I guess I needed it more than I thought, and I then had my "waking hours" before getting back to sleep about 3.30am til just before 6am.  This is NOT something I intend to make a habit of, but it was nice to actually sleep when I was tired rather than when I was trying to make myself sleep in "proper hours".   I know this is twice in a week I've done it (I was in bed by 6.30pm last Friday!!!) ... but, apart from the weekends with the boy I guess I do have the luxury or being able to catch up with sleep like this, and its better than half killing myself with exhaustion.

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