Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Red tape

Got to love working for a big company!

Six months ago if there was a vendor conference then it'd be fine, the vendor would probably arrange and pay for it.

Then we stopped being able to have hospitality so our company had to pay for things, so this made it harder as the approvals were tricky, but it was ok as the admins still booked all the travel and they were good at it.

We are now in the big company world though, so no longer can you have an admin doing admin work... we are all empowered to book our own travel through the corporate travel company online and everything is SO much easier.

Ummm this will be why we had two senior engineers today spending two hours each fighting it to find a flight to Berlin for a SUN conference.

Still, it did pass the time, and I AM going to Berlin for the two day conference in September. Now what's the chances the hotel won't be expecting us when we get there....

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