Sunday, February 04, 2007

Catching up sleep

Last week left me kind of exhausted. The not-a-date, the hospital stayover for the boy, the evening work. Well more than exhausted. Physically shattered to the point of tears.

The first half of the week was really just trying to get over that, sleeping as best I can to get some strength back. When the physical tiredness settled a little, the emotional kicked in with avengence and I had a couple of down days where I just crawled inside a little to cope. Sleep in its broken way each night though kept me getting back into a happier place. I guess I've never realised before just QUITE how close to having no energy I run as normal, and how it just takes a little to dip me over the edge. When that happens I have to grit my teeth and push through. It does help though, when all those dark feelings come out that I know where they come from and that they will not last.

Thursday was supposed to be cooking class but I didn't get home from work til late and had a stinking headache from bad meetings at work, so I thought blow it and skipped it. I am glad I did as it gave me chance to relax. I actually slept 7hrs without waking up that night!!! Wow that felt great and I was so much happier on Friday. Haven't managed it since though :( Still waking up every two hours. Oh and I have a cold coming!!! I know I can't do everything though, so keep doing what I can to make sure I don't wear myself out :).

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