It got to me a bit how quiet it was Sunday when I got back home, thats the first time in awhile its bothered me. The drive to Mum, my ex then back home again is about 200 miles so it was a fairly tiring weekend everyway. Going from a house full of two kids, my parents and my brother to silence was weird. I'm sure after this time I'll get more used to it, even if the drive is a bit wearing.
I was feeling tired after last week at work so I wasn't really exceptionally chatty I know and spent most of Saturday surfing the net looking at cars, but it was nice to be around people and just laugh every now again or throw in comments. Yes, I'm doing that whole looking at cars thing again (must be the time of the year for it). I love my car. I really love my car. It's done about 110k miles now and still runs lovely except for its little leaks into the cabin, its incessant need to be topped up with oil and coolant. These little things do worry me a little as most of the journeys I do are just not round the corner but ferrying the boy back and forth. In August I'm going upto the Lake District with my friend from Ayrshire so that is going to be a fair old drive too and so I started wondering again if it was time to replace her (the car that is, not my friend).
So, looking at cars again. New vs a few years old. Different makes. Different sizes. I'm kind of sure if I get one it will be a super-mini. Corsa. Yaris. Jazz. Something like that. So many different reviews and problems or not. I need to get an automatic as thats all I can drive (I was lazy when I took my test) so then you hear that say, the Yaris is terrible as an automatic. Makes it very confusing. One thing I did decide though is if I do get one I will not trade my old car in. I don't expect anyone would want it from me, its old... the drivers door lock was busted by a break-in attempt and you need to open it from the passengers side... So... I am going to give it to the local fire-station rather than try and get a measly 50 pound for it. They use "scrap"
cars for rescue practice to cut them to pieces. This to mean seems a fine end to a car thats done me well, helping them practice... who knows if it might benefit someday someone I know.
Having looked for sometime, then enjoyed driving my car home... I've started thinking "maybe I'll get her serviced one more time" as she is so much fun. One day I will make my mind up!
I did manage to get two nice but cheap pairs of jeans down in Bournemouth though which pleased me as they are perfect for work. It can be a right pain in the backside getting jeans in my size... the legs are always too long since I am a short ass ;-).
Still feeling quiet today, keeping myself to myself and just getting on with work, which won't hurt much. I think I've started moving from the slight despair overnight to the more reflective thoughtfulness which is always a better place to be. I am blessed by friends. To the friend that saw my blog and instantly sent me a text. Thankyou. To the friends that left such kind comments. Thankyou. To the friend that sent me an email with so much for me to think about now... just thankyou honey, I don't know how you did that seeing as you sent it WAY before you could have known what I had written.

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Little love, you're giving your car to the firefighters.
Did you know John is a firefighter and the one who broke my heart with his inability to keep his word.
Good for you, firefighters are so damned sexy. Do you know why? Simple, because my beauty, they can do anything and nothing is beneath them.
and WEG
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