The end of a very wet bank holiday weekend!
We went to the Surrey Country Show today which was... very wet and muddy. I'd forgotten to take my meds two days in a row and I have to admit I could feel the difference this morning. Impatient, irritable, definitely more negative thinking.
The boy had cubs all day on Sat (10am to 10pm) so I didn't see him and went round a friends to watch DVD's instead, which was nice, then sunday went round to the ex's so I could spend some time with the boy and make the most of the weekend.
But... I did notice how things about the ex started to bug me by this morning, especially as she was slightly impatient. By time we got to the show and started to walk around she was just bugging the hell out of me by how she was. So I gritted my teeth and tried not to let it get to me knowing that a) I didn't have to spend long with her and b) I knew I wasn't exactly at the most stable state. Nothing to write about now, its over and gone. Interesting to watch my reactions though and learn a little more about how being around her makes me feel.
We had fun though even though it was very very very wet and bitterly cold and the boy got a bit fed up by the end. The ex worked her way around by eating samples at every stall and talking to everyone. We managed to see just a little of the show-jumping but it was just TOO wet to stand and watch which was a shame.
Came away with some yummy food though... I blame both the meds and SR for infecting me with liking nice tastes.
So... In my freezer and fridge now are, in no particular order. Wensleydale and cranberry cheese. White stilton and apricot cheese. Cheese and onion bread. Cinammon and walnut bread. Whole grain bread. Beef and horseradish sausages. Pork and leak sausages. Pork and something that sounded yummy but i can't remember what it is now sausages. Organic blueberry preserve. Organic crunchy peanut butter preserve.
I think that'll just about do me for the week ;-).
Now though I am really looking forward to next weekend and having the boy to myself for a weekend - last weekend he had his drama/dance club show which was lovely to watch but again meant I didn't have him just to myself (he loved it though, one boy, 44 girls and he was so sweet to watch and got such a big awwww when he came on being the only boy!). I am going to ignore the week at work. Last week was pretty bad but not something I want to bring up again now that its gone.

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